Specialized services for breeders and growers.

You have a great new variety, but how do you market it? Or you would like to grow or incorporate new license varieties. So what are the options? It is our passion to support and advise you in this process.

How do you market a new plant?

We guide and introduce novelties and related services for breeders and growers.


Because of our specialization, introducing new varieties, we have a large international network. This allows us to take some steps together with the breeder.

Determining together whether the new variety has market opportunities is fun and exciting. Testing and determining whether a new breed is sufficiently distinctive is serious business, so a critical eye from other peers is vital. We like to engage in investing in and testing new varieties. It is a journey of years before the new variety is available in the market, but that is precisely where the challenge lies.

Have you developed a new bred plant or mutant and want to market it successfully? If so, please contact IPP.


We regularly hear from growers that business is good, thanks to the inclusion of new varieties in the range. This brings in many new customers and buyers, and renewing the assortment is important for growers to be successful and increase sales.

If you, as a breeder, also have your own breeding and or mutants selected, we would like to get in touch with you to discuss the possibilities.